
Thursday 19 December 2019

Day Three Week 1

Hi every one i'm Ricardo if i could have three powers they would be to fly, invisibility and the power of nature. I have chosen to be able to fly because I love to be high up and if i'm ever in a traffic jam I can jump out my mum's car and fly past all the traffic. My last reason why I a chosen to fly is because I can easily get up to beautiful views. I have chosen invisibility because if someone is going to attack me I can go invisible and then I will be safe because they won't be able to see me. Another reason why I chose invisibility is because I could scare people and I also could be the world's sneakiest spy. Last of all I decided to chose the power of nature because I could lift the ground from under my feet and I could catch bad people. Last of all I could bring life to extinct plants if there dead bodies are still around, same goes for animals.

Monday 21 October 2019


In Te Ngahere a person named Tracy came in Te Ngahere. She taught us the important things you need and should know before you go on a boat. The 5 safety rules for being in the ocean or a boat. Wear a life jacket on a boat and only wear a life jacket at the beach if you can not swim,  tell someone where you are going and when you'll be back. This is for the boat and the Beach, put your own Safety first no matter where you are, check the weather before you go out and always bring a waterproof Phone or waterproof phone case because if your boat capsizes you your phone will not work anymore. A couple other things I learnt was if you have flares on a boat which you should have make sure you know how use them because if you don't know how to use a flare your not going to have time to read the instructions. A parachute flare is completely different  than most flares ,when you shoot it the flare goes up 300 metres and then shoots a parachute out with a light on it. This parachute will stay up there for about an hour. I hoped you liked my blog post. Here is my DLO.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Tower battles

It was the first day back at school in Te Ngahere. We were doing a steam challenge. A steam challenge is when you create a specific thing with  a certain amount of resources and time. We also had to work in groups of 3 or 2. My group was Me, Jahrell and Dale. The steam challenge we had to do was to create a paper tower with two pages of newspaper, 30 cm of sellotape and 20 minutes. About 5 to 10 minutes in we had created our paper tower, It was anywhere between 1 metre 17 cm and 1 metre 19 cm. We shrunk our paper tower by about 3 to 4 cm because It did not balance that well. After we shrunk our paper tower so It would balance better, Is what we thought. It didn't even balance anymore. At the end of the experiment I did not stand but if it did we would have came second at a height of 1 meter and 15 cm. What I learned was it is possible to build a paper towel over 1 metre with 2 Pages of newspaper. What I enjoyed was we came up with an idea in the first 2 minutes. What I found hard was building the paper towel. I hope you liked my blog post if you did please comment. here is my reflection

Friday 27 September 2019

Movie script and camera shots

In Te Ngahere we have been learning how to create movies. So far I have learnt that making a movie it very difficult and It takes time. Another thing I learnt is that you have to do all these different shots and angles. A birds eye view is a picture taken from above the character looking down at the person so it could make the person look weak. A worms eye view looks up so it  and makes the person look very powerful. A close up is when you put the camera close-up and you see their face and their emotion. So when you’re filming a movie don’t forget about all the camera shots. Another thing you need to do is to make sure the speaker can hear the person or whatever it is you are trying to fim. If the speaker can't hear them you might have to restart. In a couple of weeks, come back and check out our finished movie.  Did this help you? if it did please leave a comment down below.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Quality Blog Post

In Te Ngahere we have been learning  how to write a quality blog post. There are six things you need to have for a very good blog post. The six things are the Title, Introduction, DLO, source, questions and reflection. If you do not understand what some of these things mean they are explained in my DLO. We were learning to do this because we needed to improve our blogging. Since I have found what the six qualities of a blog post are I will make surposte I put all of them into my blog posts. What I have learnt is if you have a DLO with your blog post It makes your blog post 10 times better. Here is my DLO.  Have you learned anything that will help your blog posting?

Timetables Practice

In Te Ngahere the class has been doing timetables practice. I just learnt my 9x it took me 4 days. Now I need to learn my 12x, 7x and 8x. At first I only knew my, 1x, 2x, most of my 11x, 5x and 10x  that's less than half the times tables. Since then I have learnt my 3x, 4x, 6x the rest of my 11x and my 9x. The next times table I will be learning are my 7x. I hope you enjoyed my Post about times tables. Learning my times tables will help mr solve maths problems easier. Here is a image of my tables evidence sheet.

Monday 9 September 2019


In Te Ngahere we have been doing Energize with a person named Gina. In this lesson we learned how bad a little can of fizzy really is. Most people think a couple cans of Coca-Cola a week would be fine, but did you know that one Coca-Cola can has 375 mills. In that 375 mills their is 10 teaspoons so sugar. We also learned that fat is  not really the problem sugar is, Sugar is the problem because sugar causes diabetes and diabetes can cause death sometimes. Sugar is also bad because sugar gives you fat. They used to say fat is the problem but if you think about it sugar is the problem because sugar causes fat.