
Thursday 19 December 2019

Day Three Week 1

Hi every one i'm Ricardo if i could have three powers they would be to fly, invisibility and the power of nature. I have chosen to be able to fly because I love to be high up and if i'm ever in a traffic jam I can jump out my mum's car and fly past all the traffic. My last reason why I a chosen to fly is because I can easily get up to beautiful views. I have chosen invisibility because if someone is going to attack me I can go invisible and then I will be safe because they won't be able to see me. Another reason why I chose invisibility is because I could scare people and I also could be the world's sneakiest spy. Last of all I decided to chose the power of nature because I could lift the ground from under my feet and I could catch bad people. Last of all I could bring life to extinct plants if there dead bodies are still around, same goes for animals.